Its been quite awhile since I've had played it.
I felt it weird to post it today..
Anyway here it is so...yea..check it out!
On 21st July 2009, my Dad n I went for a game of Paintball!It was our first experience in this.
The fee for an individual just costs rm80.
It is affortable!
-Head gear(helmet)
-A marker
-500 pallets per-person
The marker(gun) is actually pumped with Nitrogen gas so that the pallets(bullets) will have enough force to shoot it out!
Well, the venue of this activity is located behind Hotel Sri Malaysia.
The 'war' place is actually an old abandoned bungalow situated in the middle of a wide grassy land!
It was very fun!
Both of us spent approximately 6 hours there!
1415hr-Grouping and briefing form the coach, Mr Benz.
1445hr-The game begins!
My Dad and I were separated into different teams.
I met a new friend there.His name is John, John Chin.
Both of us were in the B-Team!
We both made a good team-mate!Both of us covered one an other in intensed situation.
You guys wouldn't imagine what was it like to be when we are in that game.
I captured the flag(box) twice while John Captured once for B-Team.
John recieved a couple of shots form the opponent team so am I but..
Its a weird thing when second time, something HARD hit me!
It looked like a STONE but not a pallet! When the impacted knocked on my right shoulder, it was so painful! I think it was a Lychee seed, beacuse we all had Lychee during a time-out!
So yeahh... My left shoulder was swalloned after that.It wasn't so bad!=)
Overall, that day, everyone enjoyed that awesome day although everyone was so worn out!
Every bit of sweat and energy that were given out paid off!*CHEERS!*
Well, I think we will have another game in this coming September 2009!
Its gonna be cool~!
by~ Alex.W