Well...here's a thing...
RICH...err...quite make sense right?
but,...for one particular type of thinking,...RICH...everyone wants it...
They don't understand the meaning of RICH!
People in the public often look up for those peoples who are RICH...they don't even care about normal men working an honest job to earn a real living...but I am not to say people who is rich is doing a corn job...
BUT...here's a thing..rich people do hav huge houses and nice cars...but...i really want them to understand...
A HOUSE=It doesn't matter how big it is because it is the main purpose to have it in our lives besides food.We actually buy a house for a fine capicity and also enough people to stay in...
A CAR=This particular matter is that...people always looking forward for new models,polularity and also differences...a car in only a CAR!!Do think about it...We use a car for TRANSPORTATION...Do you ever imagine that if,(and only IF)...one day...our country...looses the amount of petrol??All the cars and vehicles will be PRICELESS!!
So guyz,...think first before anyone of us make any decision...and we all must alwayz stick to ourselves for believing and also don't ever make a DIFFFERENCE when we are in this world because....GOD IS THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS & GOD GIVES EVERYBODY A FAIR AND SQUARE LIVING!
RICH...err...quite make sense right?
but,...for one particular type of thinking,...RICH...everyone wants it...
They don't understand the meaning of RICH!
People in the public often look up for those peoples who are RICH...they don't even care about normal men working an honest job to earn a real living...but I am not to say people who is rich is doing a corn job...
BUT...here's a thing..rich people do hav huge houses and nice cars...but...i really want them to understand...
A HOUSE=It doesn't matter how big it is because it is the main purpose to have it in our lives besides food.We actually buy a house for a fine capicity and also enough people to stay in...
A CAR=This particular matter is that...people always looking forward for new models,polularity and also differences...a car in only a CAR!!Do think about it...We use a car for TRANSPORTATION...Do you ever imagine that if,(and only IF)...one day...our country...looses the amount of petrol??All the cars and vehicles will be PRICELESS!!
So guyz,...think first before anyone of us make any decision...and we all must alwayz stick to ourselves for believing and also don't ever make a DIFFFERENCE when we are in this world because....GOD IS THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS & GOD GIVES EVERYBODY A FAIR AND SQUARE LIVING!
We all, can still be RICH in a special way.And that is QUALITIES...
so true...
keep writing.
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